Saturday, January 29, 2011

Final chapter of A Lucky Shot coming up!

Dear loyal followers,
Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for sticking around!
I just finished typing up the final chapter, and sent it off to me 'editor'*
Once she gets it back to me, I'll be posting it!

And to whoever just found the story and started following it, you are my hero, because it gave me 87 followers!
I think it was perfect that it got done, and the follower count... EPIC!

Hopefully I haven't let you down throughout the course of the chapters, and I hope that you'll all enjoy the way I play this out!

Two things I'd love to know from you all...

1. Do you want to have an epilogue, something to kind of show you where the story could lead in the future?
2. I'm going to be doing a Max story next. I've got a bunch of it written out already, and I was just curious... how many of you would be excited about that?

Even if you want to post as Anonymous, I'd really appreciate the feedback!!

Thanks again for the comments over the months that it's taken me to get this out!


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